Contributors are requested to provide personal information to The Christmas Box International (CBI), such as a home address, phone number, e-mail, and other contact information. The primary purpose of obtaining this information is to allow CBI to comply with donors’ restrictions and designations, provide donors with charitable gifting tax information for donor recognition and communication, and facilitate fundraising and other engagement opportunities. The data is retained in the financial records of CBI for financial recording and internal financial accounting control purposes.
To protect the confidentiality of personal information, CBI uses appropriate technical and internal control measures to limit access to and control the retention of the data to ensure its use and access are limited to the above-noted purposes. In addition, personal information obtained by CBI will not be communicated outside of CBI unless required by law, to facilitate fundraising, or as authorized by the donor. CBI does not sell or rent donor information of any kind to outside parties. Donors may review their data and specify corrections to this information, oppose the retention of the data, or request its elimination from CBI records. CBI retains personal information only as long as necessary for the purposes stated and to comply with federal and state record retention requirements.
For questions about privacy or handling of your personal information, please contact us via the contact form.
Changes to this Statement
The Christmas Box International may update this policy over time at its discretion.